The Big Flag

The Holiday Bowl Big Flag is one of the largest ceremonial American Flags in the United States that is regularly used in conjunction with large public sporting events. The Big Flag adds a dynamic quality to a pre-event or halftime show and has been presented at the Super Bowl, World Series and numerous NFL, NCAA and MLB events.

The Big Flag is 100 by 50 yards (45,000 sq. feet) and covers one entire football field when fully deployed. When presented at baseball games it covers most of the outfield. The Big Flag is made of lightweight nylon and weighs approximately 850 pounds. A minimum of 250 people is required for a presentation. The Big Flag event producer works closely with your staff and television personnel to insure the presentation ceremony conforms to all event requirements.

The Big Flag is available on a fee plus expenses contract with the Holiday Bowl. This contract includes all shipping, staff transportation and travel, training and coordination required, and on-field supervision of the presentation. Total cost will vary depending on distance from San Diego but is generally from $4,000 for a Southern California event to $8,000 on the east coast. The contracting or sponsoring organization is responsible for providing the personnel required for the presentation. Military units or organizations are highly recommended. If requested, the Big Flag staff will assist the sponsor in identifying and coordinating with local military commands.

Pre-presentation practice (required) is 2-3 hours. Preparation time on the day of the presentation is 1.5 hours. For more information on scheduling the Holiday Bowl Big Flag call (619) 283-5808.

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